Friday 6 August 2010

Hello and welcome...

Well, this is just a quick introduction into why i've decided to do this 'blog' and generally see if it help me as a person.

Although i'm still only in my late 20's, I always seem to spark comments during conversations due to my experiences in my life so far. I dont believe i have actually experienced that much. I haven't extensively travelled, I haven't lived the 'high life' and i definitely haven't been a ladies man of any sort, so i find it hard to believe that normal everyday general knowledge would cause such a stur at times.

It has also been bought to my attention from my lady that I have the ability to logically think things through and to come up with answers others would not have come up with in the same sort of time, which again can cause a whole heap of issues!(lack of knowledge + testosterone = lots of swearing!)

Generally people i know well dont see me as a 'know-all' just an intelligent conversationalist(if that is a word?) But over the last few years, since i've been involved in the building industry my natural traits have some how caused me quite a bit of bother!? Even sometimes on the verge of victimization or bullying in my direction.

I have, more than most had to become thick skinned over the years, so the comments and general banter doesn't get me down, but the overall mindset of the people i meet sometimes does, so as my lovely lady has had to endure the countless re-enactments of conversations i've had with people from all over the world both in and out of work, I thought this could help our relationship by allow me to release my thoughts everywhere all at once without wearing my ladies ear lobes off. Also finally allowing me to relax a bit more so I can focus on what is really important in this world to me and not some weird afterthoughts about an experience i've just had.

Last thing... I can talk for england but sometimes my grammar is deffo not my strong point, so i"ll apologize now and hopefully writing these future blogs could improve that too!?!...

Thanks, and enjoy...maybe.

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